Compassionate and Skilled Educational Support Staff
Find the best match for each student.

TAMAH professionals primarily support and assist students with learning differences, cognitive impairments, physical disabilities, medical fragility, autism spectrum disorders, sensory impairments, and emotional/behavioral disorders.
Our proven system of recruitment, onboarding, training, and quality controls ensures that services and deliverables align with the school and student needs. We maintain a pool of trained, qualified candidates that can quickly step in with the heart, desire, and skills required to work effectively with IEP and at-risk students. Our goal is to provide substitutions that are the best match for the student.
As a special education service provider, we help schools simplify the process of filling gaps and ensure the right support staff is working with the right student.
Educational Support Staff Roles We Can Fill
Available for on-call, short-term, and long-term appointments.

Compassionate and skilled paraprofessionals help the most at-risk and cognitively disabled students succeed.
School Nurses

Certified RNs and LPNs help medically challenged students participate in class and achieve academic progress.
Tutors and Mentors

Trained professionals help IEP and disabled students improve personal, educational, and social skills, set goals, and succeed.
Dedicated One-to-One Support, Classroom Instructional Aides, and Bus Attendants
Training and Competency
Staff engagement and knowledge expansion are just a few of the reasons we have an 83% overall contractor retention rate.

TAMAH is committed to continuous training for professional development, performance reviews, identified needs, and new competencies and competency refreshers. Our training and staff development programs ensure all paraprofessionals meet the requirements to uphold our four core standards of professional competency:
- Support instructional opportunities
- Demonstrate professionalism and ethical practices
- Support a positive learning environment
- Communicate effectively and team participation
The Core Competencies are common to all roles that paraprofessionals may assume and are based on “No Child Left Behind” federal legislation (2002), IDEA (2004) and TAMAH LLC approved stands of professional conduct (2010).